ART: As Above, So Below Collection

Collection Idea Statement:

As children we stared at the clouds and our environment and saw our imaginations come to life. When storms came we envisioned the dark events that rippled and lit up the sky and scared us with lightening, filling us with dread. We watched the sun rise and paint the world in deep, lush colour and the sun set deepening the world to dark reds. We were in awe and content and inspired by the world we inhabited.

As we grew into adults we lost our interest in seeing beyond ourselves and took what was presented at face value. We began to forget or care about the world and its other inhabitants as our greed for the materialistic and self worth dominated our growth. We embraced industry and smog in exchange for open fields and bright skies. We lusted over capital and our own image over the simplicity and beauty of nature and who we were as humans. We drowned and blinded ourselves with small screens, large screens, ear phones, entertainment, vice and all forms of technology to feel more connected and fulfilled while ignoring those around us and their ability to give us a deeper connection being alive. Now we ignore that wonder we saw as children and are obsessed only with how others perceive us.

This collections hopes to explore this sad loss of wonder with visions of imagination, dreams, life, death and nightmares juxtaposed against common sky-scapes (‘Above’) and landscapes (‘Below’) we see every day.  And hopefully in doing so bring us a little closer to the world we ignore or destroy by unlocking that forgotten wonder. 

As Above, So Below is a collection which unites many of my personal fascinations as a visual artist for the living, the dead and staged landscapes in a surrealist fashion. It also lets me express my love for animals and the natural world and my disappointment with humanity as I try to raise two daughters in it who are already becoming lost in technology and our modern fast paced lives. 

Completed Paintings

Soft Cloud 1 (2019)
12×9 inches Acrylic on wood with UV Polymer Varnish

Soft Cloud 2 (2019)
12×9 inches Acrylic on wood with UV Polymer Varnish

Rainy Cloud 1 (2019)
12×9 inches Acrylic on wood with UV Polymer Varnish

Night Cloud 1 (2019)
12×9 inches Acrylic on wood with UV Polymer Varnish

Below Examples: Land

Wet Land 1 (2019)
12×9 inches Acrylic on wood with UV Polymer Varnish
Matched cloud from “Soft Cloud 1”
Urban Street 1 (2019)
12×9 inches Acrylic on wood with UV Polymer Varnish
Matched cloud from “Soft Cloud 2”
Farm Land 1 (2019)
12×9 inches Acrylic on wood with UV Polymer Varnish
Matched cloud from “Rainy Cloud 1”
Night Forest 1 (2019)
12×9 inches Acrylic on wood with UV Polymer Varnish
Matched cloud from “Night Cloud 1”

In-Progress Videos

In-Progress Video Sessions on Art Of Todd Lawson Youtube

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