Recent & In-Progress Works

The Spirits Collection (2021+)

Collection Statement

When we remember the places we once visited we are often struck by a child like wonder wrapped in a feeling of nostalgia. Places we may visit again but never with the same sense of “new” as the first time. It is as if our memories are locked to our younger perceptions of ourselves and our lost past. 

We distort and individualize places, amplifying the good and slowly forgetting the bad. This series of works manifest those feeling through small, innocent child-like “Spirits” as they return to places where people once visited. For these initial paintings they wondered New Orleans. A city I have a fond memory of visiting with my family, rich in history and personality and vibrant with the life of its people. More recently they have explored Nova Scotia.

Rock Beach
(30″ x 40″ + Floater Frame)
Lunenburg Boardwalk
(60″ x 40″ + Floater Frame)
Harbour Mist
(60″ x 40″ + Floater Frame)
Seal Island Museum Lighthouse
(30″ x 40″ + Floater Frame)
Freedom ’55
(40″ x 30″ + Floater Frame)
Steps From The Mississippi River
(30″ x 40″ + Floater Frame)
Green Goddess
(30″ x 40″ + Floater Frame)
Chalmette Battlefield
(60″ x 40″ + Floater Frame)
Home Of Jax
(30″ x 40″ + Floater Frame)
Cafe Beignet
(30″ x 40″ + Floater Frame)
Spirit Of Bourbon Street
(30″ x 40″ + Floater Frame)
Saint Louis Cathedral
(30″ x 40″ + Floater Frame)

The Theme Parks & Landmarks Collection (2010-2021)

The Visitor
(36″ x 48″ + Floater Frame)
Visitors Hike Blue Mountain
(60″ x 40″ + Floater Frame)
Visitors Board Union Station
(60″ x 40″ + Floater Frame)
Visitors Climb Parliament Hill
(30″ x 40″ + Floater Frame)

Visitors Relight Peggy’s Cove
(30″ x 40″ + Floater Frame)
One Hand In The Future
(48″ x 36″ + Floater Frame)
Visitors Walk The Strip
(48″ x 36″ + Floater Frame)
Revel In The Maker’s Wake
(48″ x 36″ + Floater Frame)
Visitors At The Gate
(48″ x 36″ + Floater Frame)

Family Photo 1
Family Photo 2

(4″ x 4″)

Selected Works & Collections

The Idols Collection (2019-2020)

Secret Bear Idol
( 30 x 40 x 1.5″ + Frame )
( 60 x 40 x 2″ + Frame )
Crayon Economy
( 30 x 40 x 1.5″ + Frame )
Idol Woody”
( 60 x 40 x 2″ + Frame )
Reconstructing Hope
( 60 x 40 x 2″ + Frame )

Past Works Archive (Since 2004)

View 90+ pieces of artwork created since 2004 – all publicly exhibited in various galleries through out North America and London since 2004.

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